It is estimated that over 80% of women have cellulite. Over the years, many different treatments have been used to treat this condition, but none of the treatments were ever particularly effective. Cellulite has historically been a very difficult problem to treat.


Recently, the VelaSmooth device became available, giving patients a new option for the treatment of cellulite. The VelaSmooth is FDA approved for the treatment of cellulite. It is a laser-like device that combines radio frequency and infrared light energies with tissue mobilization. These three treatment modalities work together to safely and effectively improve cellulite and recontour the skin surface.


VelaSmooth treatments result in a noticeable improvement in cellulite. Generally, a series of 12 treatments twice a week for 6 weeks is needed to obtain the optimum result. Each treatment session takes 30-40 minutes. Exercise and a healthy diet, when done in combination with the VelaSmooth treatments, will further contribute to a good result. The VelaSmooth can be used to treat cellulite located in the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, or upper arms.


The improvement following the VelaSmooth treatment lasts for up to six months, and maintenance treatments can be done at monthly intervals after the initial series in order to sustain the results achieved beyond six months. The treatment is non-invasive, non-surgical, and very safe for all skin types.


VelaSmooth treatments have been described as a warm massaging sensation that is well tolerated. The treated area may appear flushed or pink from the heat for a short period following the treatment. Normal activities may be resumed immediately after leaving the office.